2 January 2013

Its the last day of 2012. I'm not really the count-down-peep, but still i had a great time with my lady. ^^ Speaking of last day of a year, i dont emphasize on the LAST, but all i felt throughout the whole day was, a brand new beginning. Got the job already from Gary. Project management. Thats what i've always been talking about! Thats gonna be a change. This job, is gonna be so different with any other i've got. If all these pain and suffering i've been trough these couple of years is the only way to what i'm having now, i'd love to go through all of these again to have all these. I swear.

I understand maybe i don't look that i care, maybe not even a single bit. I just have the line carved deep in my head. Self-protection i guess. I was sure that i dont need anyone (as in relationship) with me now, all i want, is get enough money for myself and my family in the future. I too, know that i'm gonna soar, into my sky, and everything will be fine. Now, i dont get it anymore. This job will not even be motivating than love. I cant lose my job, nor the girl who's clinging onto my heart. I wont take anyone for granted, either way, i dont want people to take me for granted too.

I know i may seem like someone who's perfect for you. Maybe thats a reason you're afraid that i might fall for someone nearer around me than you. Like i said, if that'll happen, i wont be dating you now. Trust me. There's a lot on my mind on my heart, but only you have the ket to everything of me.

Let's start off a good year my love

Angie <3 p="p">

22 November 2012

Live for a purpose. I guess mine is just love. Its realy pathetic that i've never changed that. Once i've learned to love, i cant live without it. It either being trapped with the wrong people, a feeling deep inside, or someone who's far away. You just love in a different way. That's the only difference. You have not changed one damn bit. Its kinda sad though. *exhales deeply* Somehow i asked myself 'Will everything work out as you planned? What if it doesn't?' I've already have answers to that. I guess i ALWAYS have answers to every questions i asked myself. Either way. Everything is gonna be fine. I wanna make so much money until i have no idea how do i spend it. Good right? But behind this joke, it stings my heart. Because its impossible. You'll always find a way yo move on. That's the only good deed i see. Though its always love that keeps you moving forward. (at least i didn't quit right?)

I wanna give her everything i wanna give. And that, is a LIFE i've always dream of having. I wanna give it to her. But its not going to be possible if this go on. SOMETHING has to change. You have to act. Tomorrow's interview. Irene has not reply a text, yet. And there's no one wants to change their shifts. I guess this will pass. AGAIN. Pathetic i know. But, nahh, dont be afraid of the future. Always hope for it. Then WORK for it. Just nervous. VERY. They've put you in a test, now do it in return. Maybe this is the only way you know what's going on behind all these. New life ahead. Smile for it! :)

Nothing's gonna stop me.
Focus on the results you'll never changed; focus on the change, you'll get the results.

19 November 2012

I guess this is it. It all ends here. To me, you guys still mean the same to me. Guess its just me, letting you guys down again. I'm sorry. I was so remorsed, deeply sorry and guilty about everything happened, and THAT decision i made. I've did my part as a brother, you can choose to forgive me or hate me for the rest of your life. That's nothing i can change. I think its not a bad idea now to move on. Because, i've learnt the importance of my existence. I guess that's ALREADY enough. Move on. No matter how bad life knocks you down, do whatever the fuck you can to move on. You stand up and walk, or crawl if you have to!

Maybe to anyone out there i seem like someone who doesn't care much about shit or just anything. *scoffs* sure you can think that way. Try to be in my shoes before you give damns about how i walk. What do you think your judging will do to me? Say something out just because you cant even keep your thoughts and words with yourself? Then you are pity. Before you're making comments about how i look, how i dress, how i think, my sexuality, please be reminded that no fucks will be given from me. I'll still do what i have to do.

The biggest obstacle is now overcomed. Maybe this is the way. Though its the hardest. I believe in the line, The tougher the struggle, the more glorios the triumph. So babe, its gonna take a while. Longer than what i've planned earlier. Here, i wanna let you know that, this job, its gonna make my schedule 'normal' again. That means everything will not be the same anymore. But I WONT CHANGE MYSELF. I'm still the one who loves you, still the same old me you loved with all your heart and soul. The time i appear on your screen may be much lesser then. But not my love for you. I'll do everything i can. I promise. I know what am i doing now is very unfair to you but please bear with me, let me do whatever i can now to make sure i dont regret in the future. OUR future. But we have to visit my family at least once a year okay? Please..

15 November 2012

Everything just goes as i thought. Now i feel terrible. How could i not blame myself for everything happened?! I.MOVED.OUT.FIRST. I should have saw whats behind Tom asking me to work for him. I SHOULD HAVE SAW THAT. Goddamn it! Fuck! Rented the unit to negros?! Moving out tomorrow but there's no place to stay yet?! This is all my fault. Guys, i'm sorry i haven't been playing my part as a brother good enough. I'm the worst friend you guys can ever have. I'm sorry. I thought we could talk about anything. I thought we are brothers. I guess that's not anymore ever since i moved out.

Then whats behind Gary? In my whole life, i've never talk to him more than 10 sentence. But that night after i looked for him, now he's offering. So the question now is: What am i suppose to do now? I still remember that night on 16. I remember something Tom told me. I rejected it. One month after that, IT COMES BACK AROUND. Glomac. Is that where i should go? Think. Just think. I thought i'm seeing them yesterday. I thought i can finally really talk about this. But yea, they bailed. After that huge dissapointment, i suddenly thought of myself. This very same thing will happen AGAIN if i took it. Then SHE will be the one who always got dissapointed. I can already imagine the look on her face. Aches my heart SO MUCH. and yes, again, there's nothing i can do about it.

WTF is wrong with you?! You're so happy playing around? Those are mom's money. The last of it. Now i'm regretting not studying for myself instead i wasted money on you! FUCKING GROW UP ALREADY! Back when i was 18 i have already fighting and working for EVERY FUCKING MEAL on my table for me and her! WTF are you doing now?! Why is everyone saying i'm impulsive making you quit school?! Ohw yea, to remind you, I AM THE ONE WHO SIGNED EVERYTHING ON YOUR ENROLLMENT CONTRACT, MY NAME IS UNDER THE 'GUARDIAN' BRACKET. All these, means that I AM LEGAL TO END YOUR SCHOOLING LIFE AND MAKE YOU LIVE THE LIFE LIKE I'M HAVING RIGHT NOW. Then i'll see can you still live the same when you have problem keeping food on the table. DONT TEMPT ME EVER AGAIN.

Its been a hell of a mess going on recently. I finally told her. That's its not possible for me to make it that early. There i hurt her very much with this i know. But there's nothing i can do. Always being helpless and thats just the typical me. But i believe she'll understand. She's always been very understanding to me. Having her just seems like a dream sometimes. I am always afraid that someone, something, or just somehow will wake me up from this dream :') I thought she was gonna break up with me. But somehow she didn't. Though i have no idea why..but i've braced myself for everything that can be possibly happening. Seems like now i've been given a chance to be a better person. I've promised myself i'd do anything to make everything happen. so God, please give me enough time. That's all i'm asking.

After all these talking, i feel terribly lucky that my girlfriend can be so understanding. She understands everything perfectly. Even if she doesn't want to, she's still being 100% supportive. :') I dont have west's problem. I've warned everyone for dating someone who's still studying. Now i'm doing that of course i've thought of everything. I HAVE TO. That's just me. Jacq, what west said to you, He didn't mean it. This is the time when he needs you the most. If you still wanna go on your life with him, ENDURE now. Be always patience with him. He's just like a big kid sometimes. And to remind you again, you're now dating a guy who's undergoing the hardest part of his life. A man will always remember that person who's always being around during this phase of life. Think twice if you wanna be that person. Because love takes courage and strength.
Here i wish everyone the best of their lives!

16 Oct 2012

Its almost 5 in the morning now. I'm reading Waves, again, with two songs on repeat on my ipod all this while. Only this time, i feel something different. REALLY different. From all the times i've read it. I see you and your family in the story. The story can never be any sadder from the previous times i read it. I have no idea why. Guess its the cigarette. Heh..I'm doing all i can to make things right so that i can see you next summer. Which as far as now, the only thing i wanted to do now. On my mind. I've been in the same position for almost two hours now. ((Ow that feels GOOD)) haha

hmmm..i dont know. I dont. I have no idea. I think this time, i'm just gonna go for Love. Even though the first and the second time i screwed up, but, it cant be that bad..right? I have no idea why, but there's some feeling, strange feeling, of that, that THIS girl, is something special. She's made everything OKAY for me. For once in my friggin life, i believe the line: Everything's gonna be alright. I believed that line as she said it. The look in her eyes. I trusted like no one else. Not even my parents. Is this even good? I have no idea. I think, this time, i'm gonna make it. She's something else. She's not that kinda person, who would mind my family background, issues, shits, and problems i've always dealing with. She's TOO adaptive until i'm not used to it. Happen to think of it, i've never dated a Pisces girl. Now i know how i made my exes feel i guess. Jobs. Its all over the place. I know i love her. So much. But the 'old me' has died along with that plan. I murdered her. I'm what i am NOW. Been like this ever since she left me. But now, this girl is here, turning everything around. Changed my view, again. All those, being together were always a huge burden to me. The stress of responsible, but this girl, showed me something different. She maybe young, but she's always mature when i needed her to be. Been a while since i smiled, since i actually miss someone other than you. Somehow, there's still a cranky feeling inside. The battle between my head and my heart, it starts again. When are they ever gonna be in sync for anything?! Fuck. Life is always hard. Its even harder to be in my shoes. When all of the decisions, arent yours to make but you still have to be the one who executes. We all have to wake up i guess. ((i guess again))

Family. I guess i never had a proper one. But i'm still loving what i have. Love them so much. Though mom's gone for over 4 years now. I too, have been making decisions on my own for all this while now. ONLY NOW, i know, MOTHER KNOWS BEST. i miss you so much..some nights, i feel like i could look up into the empty sky, and maybe i'd see stars, lining up, forming a shape of you..but i know. That you dont really wanna see me..hehe 'cause i've always an abomination to you and dad. I'm the worst thing that'd happen to you. I'm useless and i'm gay. I remembered how you said you'll disown your children if they are not straight. I see shame and disgrace in your eyes. Every time i look at your pictures. It stings. But i'm already used to that pain. For over 4 years now.

I'm never the lucky one. Some says life is not measured by the length but the width and depth. Neither i have any of that. I dont really see the point of breathing somehow. Its not like someone's gonna feel anything about my existence. i'm always making mistakes. It tires me to get back up my feet again and again. Pulling myself together is tiring. But now, i think i finally found someone who'd love to pick me up when i'm down on my knees((other than God)). She's the furthest i've ever had, but yet, she's the closest. Like, heart-to-heart close. The way we feel for each other, the way we comfort each other, the way we cling on each other. The completion. I wanna have her in my life, not just on my screen, but where i can hold her hand and we could take on the world and challenges that awaits. Its funny how hard i look for someone like that around me, but somehow she just appears on my screen and now, a Must in my life.

Babe, i'm never the kinda rich ass who can buy you anything you want. Prepare yourself for that. But i'm dying to make things work here. I've always wanted US to work out. And i'm just messing with you. I always know what day is it 4 days later silly. Well then, 'Happy One Month Anniversary' my love. <3

See you in 249 days





11 September 2012

If there's a cliff, i'd be glad to jump off of it now. Thank you for reminding me everything i've failed at. I dont know whom can i trust anymore.


Fate brought us together. But i dont know what separated us. I hope we can be friends, brothers like we used to be. You guys will never know how badly i missed the old times when we watch football together, we played DOTA together, we go shop-to-shop together. I remember how you sat on my ass and scratched my head and wake me up. Then i'll chase you around the house. I remember how you smoked all my cigarettes and grined at me. We could swim, gym and skate together. I love you. Both of you.

Forgive me. Thats all i'm asking ad all i'm begging for. I'm good at ruin things. Good things. Tom, thank you. For teaching me everything all these while. West, thank you. Thank you for reminding me to breath when it attacks. Thank you for all the help and company. I'm just, dont deserve y'all.

You guys are better off without me.
I'm a burden. To anyone. Please, do remember that i love you. Wish you all the best in the future.

8 September 2012

Its back. Like yeah. I'm struggling to change things. This is gonna affect a lot. I'm slowly forgetting stuffs. Right just now, i looked at my foot and i forgot how to tie my laces. Shaky hands. Nightmares. Migraine. Black out and these, i just dont know which is worse.

Dad, i'm sorry. i hope i'm able to come home that day. I cant promise i'll be back though i'm dying to. But i'd promise that i'll buy carnations. Lots of em. With a little card..filled with white lies. Like the usual years. yea.

Is it destined? or fated? Can you help? *scoffs* who knows right? Maybe its gonna end up like all those who left. Nothing's wrong with ordinary, like nothing's wrong with girls in short hair. Guess i'll just have to smile, live, and lie like nothing happened. Until the day arrives.


21 August 2012






Colorado Shooting Incident - What Jessica Redfield taught me

This is too overwhelming. It all happened when i scrolled through some tweets from piers morgan about gun issues, which i've been always been told how dangerous America can be due to this. And my dad basically showed me every single news on the paper about innocent people gettin shot and all that. Guns are suppose to be like an armor that we used to protect ourselves right? (Maybe i'll find that out myself.)

Scanning through lotta tweets and replies to with Piers Morgan, about this gun issue, i stumble across Jessi. 'She died in a shooting?' It has to be some really nice person that would get this much of a condolences. (Forgive my language, my english is very limited. Bear with me) Knowing she's a sports journalist is what fires up my interest then i started digging her info through the net. (and all those wasn't kind of the whole point)

What hit me the most is that, her last blog post about her narrow escape from another shooting earlier in Eaton Centre earlier last month. Her words were surprisingly simple to understand! The way she writes has brought words back to life. I read the post as if i was there, just finished grabbing sushis and wanted to continue to shop, but ended up witnessed a shooting first hand on a regular Saturday evening. Then when i came to the few last lines of the post, i can tell right on the spot that she is certainly one girl, that loves her life, and lives it to the fullest like nobody i've ever known in my life. I can feel her in her activities, her pictures, her posts, her tweets, her WORDS. I felt like i knew her for my life.

Then the moment came, when i was allowing myself in her pictures and all that, i was stunned again when i realized that, This amazing girl, is gone forever. God i swear it aches! My tears almost burst out. 'NO!' Even a stranger like me would feel the searing lost, i can never imagine how of all her close friends and family would feel. NEVER. Hatred grew in me that second, for God taking away someone that brightened up the world so much. Such cheer, such heart-warming, such joy, such LIFE. I'd agree with someone from twitter that said 'This world will not be any better without her.' Still drowning in the sorrow of losing one person so close, as a friend, as a family, this article came out. and yes. It reminded me. Of how life, and work are suppose to be going along together. Answered all the question that have been bugging me and gave me sleepless nights. 'You can't love your life without loving your job.' Because of this line, i quitted my job.

I agree and enjoy that life(to me), is a hustle. 'Its not what you say but what you do that defines you.' I've always been busy and going round and round. Eventually, winded up back at the first place, back where i began. Something is wrong. That is, i'm not living my life. Pursuing something/someone that's far within reach. All those were suppose to stay in my dreams. Not in my hand. At least, not now. There's steps and procedures. That is how life meant to be! We prone to forgot the simplest thing. Sometimes, it takes a mentor, friend, family member, lover, or occasionally, a stranger to remind us. I admit, that i've been rushing into things these years. Only when i looked back, i found out what scenes i've been missing all these times. Its time, to take a step back. Have a nice little break. Clear out my own mind. Meditate. It's not gonna work if i keep pushing myself that hard.


Jessi, this post is meant for you. Emily, Jay, Jordan and all who loved her with your heart, keep your head up, pull yourselves together! We're gonn' shine! This world may not be a better place without her, but we can try our best, even try our heart out to live our life like what Jessi did! I believe that's what she'd love to see, from above. And also, that is what Jessi inspired me! Jessi, may you bring your joy to us. Its not the fancy language that you used but the meaning that lies in between those lines that counts. In eternal memory, with love and all my heart, RIP #JessicaRedfield

#LoveLife!!!   ❤  :')








“ 這條路,是你自己選的。
你他媽跪著走,也要給我走完! ”


15 July 2012

What can i do?
What could possibly be done?

where's life?
where's smile?
where's love?
After all these struggle,
i lost them.
Stupid and pathetic.
Is it my problem that all these keep coming?
Options are not an option anymore.
How the hell did i wind up here not at the first place?
Oh wait,
Does that matter?

I've never been this frustrated and depressed.
This pressure is killing me.
Just to found out that i lost my strength to be angry at something anymore.
Not anymore.
Feels like dead but breathing.

You'll never know how it feels to be like when you're life is a mess and there's not a fucking thing you can do to fix anything.

Now? I'm only feeling like hit the club and let the music blow my heart out.

Did you really think that i forgot your birthday?
Bought you stupid things that you didn't even care.
Now there's one present for you.
And i also hope that you dont mind to receive the same thing that i've give someone else.

and hey, Happy 28th Birthday
*28 missed calls, for your 28th birthday

8 July 2012

Looks like I’m having a challenge. Great.
I’ll just play along. *exhales*
Will you recall the personality I’ve hid away for years?
We’ll see.
Maybe the personality will do good to me in these times.
It’s play time!!!

I’m sorry I have to lie to you.
You leave me no choice.
I know how much you hated them.
But just why don’t you give them or yourself a chance?
Why is that not good to just be friends?
Normal friends.
Guess I know where my ego did come from.
From dad, and y’all.
I’ve been even thinking of getting a job, part time, back here.
You put me into this.
With 1.5, I’m stuck here.
I appreciate your help.
But the way things work out,
I just couldn’t take it!
You don’t know what is it like to be in my shoes.
Guess you’ll never know.
I’ve tried explaining, but just it’s not working. Not with you.
I hate self-blaming.
But this feeling has never got any further from me.
I’m always doing wrong.
I feel terrible!
So fucking terrible!!!
I’m tired and I wanna move out.
I wanna spend time with my dad.
Help him with his car business.
I could make MORE for Christ’s sake!

These days are really getting me.
What am I to you people?
I don’t fucking get it.

6 July 2012




加油加油加油!! ;)

26 June 2012

What have i got myself into again?
Its not my fault that you guys had some freakin beef jerky.
Please....i'm now here. Stuck. Because of all these.
If I'm gonna work this out, i'ma need help.
and If you're not givin me a hand,
Tired of dealing y'all's bullshit.
Dont drag me into this.

What am i gonna do????
Go for it?
Or stay stuck?

I guess deep down,
there's an answer.

--There's always something!