Fairy Tales?
Why does every fairy tale MUST end up 'happily ever after'? Why all the princes always get the fairest maiden in the land? (Even the not-so-fair maiden, there'll be fairy godmother show up and turn her into a 'fairer' maiden.) Why nobody ever thinks that what does 'happily ever after' really means? Of course back at those times, there is no income taxes, no bills, no insurance payment, of course their life CAN actually quite 'happily ever after'.
Kids' mind now are polluted by these communistic stories. Kids should not be reading these kind of 'fairy tales'. Its sooner the better to let them know that there are actually NO happy endings, or anything that lasts forever. There is no such thing as forever. Why do kids' mind have to be fairy taled? What if, when they grow up, and find out that everything they've told was just a mist? Disappointment? Of course. Sometimes is distressing to find that what you've always believe(not only fairy tale stuffs) is just some bullshit and it doesn't make any sense. After all these distressing, what will you do? Can you go on living like nothing ever happened? Or like find something else to believe in, in order to make sure you keep having faith(no matter what that is). C'mon! Get over it! GROW UP! Yes. Grow up.
You see, in some sense, time doesn't heal everything. It only make it worse. Ex: Time kills fairy tales. When you grow up, you learn science. You know that there is no magic at all. You dont wave a stick and turn someone's old thorned clothing into a shiny gown. You dont expect to summon animals to do your house chores by singing in your room, all you'll get by doing so is complaint from your poor neighbors. First of all, to me, fairy tales are stories for kids, and most of them are Walt Disney's cartoons. I'm not saying that watching cartoons is something not good. But kids' mind are just simple and plain enough to believe whatever they saw is true. If they watch 2 hours of cartoon each day, you might having your kids asking you 'Mom, can i get a pumpkin ride for my next birthday? PLEASE~~~~' or 'Dad! Dad! I want that fire breathed dragon! I wan it blue!' or even, Wrap a blanket around his neck, and jump off the stairs. When this happens, what do we blame? WHO do we blame? Walt Disney for making cartoon REAL? Its sarcastic. Isn't it? It's even more sarcastic to know that these fairy tale stories exist just to teach a lesson. Well, what do you learn? Not to LIE? Not to eat apple from a strange old woman? Great. Y'know, sometimes we can forget the simplest thing.
Now, its surprising to find that everyone(well, most of them.) are turning back into kids and children again. People now watched too much dramas. Especially Taiwan dramas. Even though all the story lines and plots are almost the same. (Some girl daydreaming of her prince charming, and there goes the prince charming came by and they soon live a life happily ever after. See? i can make one Taiwan drama too! Woohoo. Great.) But still, they are making a lot of money with these old love stories! Forgive me. My language is terrible than you can imagine. Coz what they want, is a dramanized love. This is a lil' different from fairy tales. But still hoping that what they saw in the drama will come true. Its good to have dreams sometimes.
Faith? Is believing fairy tales some sort of faith? What is faith? 'Faith is not when you walked into the kitchen, you flip the switch and you BELIEVE the light will on. That's not faith.' Faith is not something you see or touch. But you know it deep inside your heart. Are you a Christian? If yes, do you have faith in what you've been told? That God created everything, will you still question these unshakable facts? Well, maybe.
I've been thinking so much that what have our world have become now. What are we living for? Why are we living? When we come to a certain stage that all these odd question came to mind. Where am I going? I'm just confused. When you know what you always dreamt of will never come true, what will you do? I'm so lost. I guess i'm now on my way to somewhere else. Ugh. I cant go on.. Wish me luck guys.