
Its been days since we separated. Well, my life goes on really well. Out of expectation. Seriously though. I'm really glad i had friends. Boey, Candy, Sky, Jonasz, and also Chris. I'm really glad i have 'em. Dont understand why'd i stucked with you once. I'm OKAY now.

These days...I'm scared. I just dont know why. Its like i'm undergoing a time travel, and gone right back to 2 years back. I was frightened to see he back of my palm. Especially left hand. The arteries....man..i dont even recognise them anymore!!! Is it really CHF? I'm kinda scared. Why this comes all of a sudden when i wanted to life for my own?! I'm not tied or fated to her! Damn man! I had my dreams to live! Fuck you! ARGHHHHH!!!!!

I'm really down and there's no one to talk to!!!


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