
Are you a bold driver?

I've got my driving license for 4 months, i guess.

But i've been many places that not many new drivers been


I'm not trying to show off that i have enough petrol to go anywhere,


I like driving.

I knew this is stupid.

But this is how i feel.
When you drive,

you share the road with other many users

which means,

You dont OWN the road

so stop driving like one!

There're asses on the road pissing me (and other people) off.

They drive like nobody's business.

Drive through lanes without even look?

Going SLOW (seriously) on highways?

Mis-use signals?

Speed when you're trying to take over?

They suck.

Yes, they do. Trust me.

Keep thinking of these people make me sick of going out.

I'd always remind myself:

Don't ever drive like an asshole

To me,

each chance to drive is a chance to improve.

I'm looking for improvement everytime i drive.

Use the road in a more proper way.

It saves you.

List of the cars i used:
1. Iswara (man)
2. Kancil (man)
3. Arena (man)
4. Wira (man)
5. Kembara (auto)
6. Naza Citra (auto)
7. Kenari (auto)
8. Merc E230 (auto) xD
9. Fiat Punto (tiptron) current using
10. Mazda sumthing~ (forgot the model, but its auto)

*all randoms sorry if its messy~*


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